
The Father to the Fatherless: A Letter to My Children

To my precious and beautiful children:

I know your daddy is gone, but I want you to understand a few things. He loved you. He prayed every day for you. He wanted you and dreamed for you. He may not be here, but he will always be a part of you. Remember that and be confident in it.

More than anything please know that there is a God who created everything that your eyes of wonder can see. He made this world that we walk in. He made the faces you meet and the beauty you discover. He is in all things and above all things. Though this may be too big of a concept for you to grasp right now, this God loves you to the deepest of depths and the highest of heights. You are the apple of His eye tucked away in the shadow of His wings (Psalm 17:8). He created you and knew you even before I did. He called you by name and has big plans for you. He is the father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5).

I won’t always be able to give you everything that I think you deserve. I would give your daddy back if I could. I would give you the world if it were possible. What I will give you is this: I will give you unconditional love. I will show up for you even when you think you have failed or fallen too far. I will never give up on you. The thousands of prayers that brought you into existence, will be added with a million more for you in the years ahead. I promise to always lead you to Jesus. Since I knew of you, I prayed every day that you would follow the Lord at a young age– that you would know that He sent His Son, Jesus, to take on your sins and forgive you of your past, present and future. I will let you know of His love daily. And though mine will fall short, His never will. I will teach you that the heartaches of this world will not destroy you but will strengthen you. I will teach you to be kind and to love others as Jesus loves us. I will disappoint you, because I am your mom and I am human, but my love will never diminish or run dry.

One day I will let you go and trust that God will hold you tightly in His grip. I will watch you grow into courageous and confident people who will make their imprint in this world.

I only ask that you be who God made you to be. Do not doubt His goodness and His faithfulness. Do not doubt that He is always with you. When you feel lost, confused or rejected, stand on truth that He will never leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). Believe in that truth and entrench it in your minds. And, if you forget it at times, I will be here to remind you. Though I am merely a momma, my prayers for you are empowered by my faith in the One who holds you in the palm of His hand.

If you never have an earthly father here, know that you have a Father much bigger than even I can offer. Know that this Father has always and will always provide! You are brave, little ones. For now, sleep and be loved. Tomorrow is a new day in the future days of many.

I love you,

Your mom

22 thoughts on “The Father to the Fatherless: A Letter to My Children

  1. I am in tears. So beautifully written and a reminder of Gods great love for us. Keep sharing, keep writing. I needed these words today. I’m sure I am not the only one who does. God is using you mightily. You are prayed for and you are loved.

  2. What a beautiful picture of God’s amazing grace. Thank you for continuing to share your heart with us. God is using you to impact our lives in ways you may never know.

  3. Krissie, you write so well and beautifully expressed. What a tribute to leave your precious twins. I always enjoy reading your blogs. I hope the next one will be about yourself and how you are doing physically, mentally, and emotionally, compared to how you were doing 6 weeks ago.
    I pray for you and your blessed family. love❤️?❤️?

  4. Thank you sooo much Krissie. You know God is using you and all that has happened to strengthen others lives, including mine. I continue to pray for you and yours as you navigate these rough waters. Thank you also for being so real in sharing with us your thoughts both hard and good.
    With Love and Prayers,

  5. Beautifully written, Krissie, and a treasure that your children will come to hold close for the rest of their lives. I can sense your strength growing with every new post on your blog. Love and prayers, as always.

  6. Krissie-
    Your strength, courage, & words encourage me and I’m sure so many others ! God is good and you are amazing my friend ❤️ Praying daily for you and your precious babies !
    Much Love

  7. God has blessed precious Selah and Joah with the most incredible Mom that only our Lord can provide! Krissie and Father God, what a winning pair!
    (Your writings are a joy to read)

  8. Krissie, you write with such feeling! These writings and especially this letter will be so treasured by your children. Thank you for sharing. Do remember you are in our prayers. May you be surrounded by His peace, calm and strength. Love you girl!

  9. Wow! Awesome! As I have said before, Krissie, your blog posts are so wonderful and we all receive such encouragement from your words. Praying for you to be brave and to keep on loving on your babies as they prepare for a big birthday. ❤️❤️

    1. What a treasure for your children. These are such beautiful words of wisdom. You certainly have a talent for writing. Your family is in our prayers. Love you.

  10. Beautiful!! Joah and Selah are so very blessed to have a godly momma like you, Krissie. You are such an eloquent writer. You Express your thoughts and prayers in such a way that we are ALWAYS blessed

    Continued live and prayers for your sweet family!

  11. Krissie,
    This is one of the most beautiful expressions of love I’ve ever read. Your inner beauty, talent with expression, and guided Godly spirit are unsurpassed and unstoppable. You are doing an important thing by inspiring others though your journey of grief by allowing them to travel with you. I truly hope you submit your letter collection later to be published in book form. You are every bit as good as any of the ladies I know from the Women of Faith tour, and there are so many people who need the comfort and guidance you are giving. Please keep writing.
    Love, Lisa

  12. God will take care if you and the children! His joy and live will see you through!! So many live and pray for you all! Ashes to beauty always Krissie !! Sharon H

  13. Thank you for sharing your heart. I have read most of your posts and as a pastor’s wife can relate to the struggles in ministry. Also relate to losing a loved one to suicide, February 2018 – my sister-in- love – she loved the Lord like your husband but she too succumbed to the depression. Thank you for sharing all the emotions – exactly the emotions our family is going through. Praying for your sweet twins and you right now. The Lord did not call Eric home, but the Lord welcomed him home. This was shared with our family and has brought much comfort. My heart goes out to you and may you feel God’s grace and love for your this day.

  14. Krissie, being a mom is one of the greatest blessings in the world! Raising children alone is quite a chore. I know God’s hand is holding you and your babies up! The unconditional love that you give them will allow them to follow the dreams that God has put in their heart!! You’re a great mother and I continue to pray for God’s will to be done and for you to have the strength to carry it out. Love you ?

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